About ScholarWeb

Get to know who we are, our mission, vision, services. what and how we deliver what we offer, the building and supoortive team.

our mission

To provide the best educational services to the students all throught the entire region of Uganda, both the Northern, Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Parts of the country to benefit from the services rendered by this eSmart Learning Platform provided right at your finger tips

our vision

To be the leading Educational services provider, second to none with utmost efficiency to manage students data with effiecient and tested systems made by our experts.

our services

Our services range from classroom work to the overall student's personal data which mainly involves obtaining the student's data and making goo use of it. Under our services, we are mainly concerned with how you the parent of the student, obtain and utilize the student's data inform of academic reports, how efficiently and effectively you can obtain the information taht you want right at your current position and state, without having to see the school administrators on some issues concerning your child on academic matters.

And between the parents and the teachers, we provide you a way you can keep in touch with each other through utilizing the chatbox systems made available on this platform. Get to know who your child's teacher is and immediately get and stay in touch with each other via the platform without moving to see the teacher physically.

Get to know how your child's pocket stands inorder to help him or her have what it takes for the student to keep foccused and on track. Help your child to manage their pocket bills effectively by helping him/her to plan effectively, and also you the parent get constatnt feedback on whatever is happening on your child's upkeep program on your phone instantly.

your privacy, our security concern

Our main concern here is that your privacy is our top priority on the platform. We are motivated to ensure that your data, as users of this platform obtain maximum security against any attacks from maliciou people on the internet. All attempts aimed at destroying the trustworthiness of the platform to its clients will at all costs be prevented by our security team, and make sure our clients enjoy an atmosphere favored for both their children and themselves without any threat imposed on the concerned parties.

our team

Our team is fully equipped and ready to handle any issues concerned with the use of the platform, any querries and suggestions to the furthrt development of the platform for effective use by the clients. Any issues concerning with the use of the paltform will be handled majestically by our team of experts to ensure maximum utilization of the platform.

our support

Suport is freely available by our 24/7 team which is ever on the alert of any queries that may arise to fully and further help the concerned parties or party on the use of the platform.